July 17, 2015

Home Decor Inspiration with Fab.com

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A couple of weeks ago I had a chance to attend Fab.com's first ever press preview. I've attended a lot of press previews but I must say this was one of the most unique I have ever attended. They hosted the event at someone's actual Greenwich Village apartment! It was really cool to see Fab.com products staged in a actual home. The whole presentation was home decor inspiration overload...and exactly what I needed as my husband and I start to redecorate our own apartment.

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Besides the apartment itself being my New York City dream apartment, each room I went into I found something from Fab.com that I wanted...or an idea I wanted to steal for my own apartment. I loved the bar set up at the presentation, which gave me a lot of ideas on design for our own barcart. I'm in between this Copper Cocktail Shaker and this Mason Jar Cocktail Shaker Set. I've also recently become obsessed with Moscow Mule Cups, it's a must have for my bar cart. What I really loved were the display of the necklaces on the wooden and marble trays on the wood table. Not only did I love the way it looked but I loved the necklaces themselves (here, here, here and here)...and of course the marble trays. All are on my wishlist.

How would you redecorate your space?

1 comment so far

  1. These are cool.



Thank you for your comments!! I look forward to reading them!

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