Pakera Jacket: Sanctuary c/o Piperlime | Leopard Jacket: Calvin Klein | Top: H&M | Jeans: Forever21 |
Boots: Urban Outfitters | Bag: Coach | Hat: Urban Outfitters
pictures by Brian Cavanaugh
I love layers during the winter...even doubling up on jackets. Love wearing a light jacket under my coat as a layering piece like this leopard print jacket. It's something that I can keep on while at work or out at brunch and use as a statement piece for my look. Also, doubling up on jacket on a cold day is a perfect way to stay warm and cozy.
How do you layer up?
Love love love the pop of leopard! xo
Never layered up jackets... been wanting a sleeves anorak jacket which I think I'd layer up. Loving the hair :)