December 17, 2013

Outfit Post: Snow Daze

 photo SnowDaze5_zpsdc396899.png  photo SnowDaze4_zps2807d9ff.png  photo SnowDaze3_zps8ec22649.png  photo SnowDaze2_zps76339a1e.png  photo SnowDaze_zpsc41a6f07.png
Jacket: Abercrombie & Finch (super old) | Sweater: c/o Ann Taylor | Shirt: American Eagle (old)
Jeans: Carmar from LF Store | Boots: c/o Cougar Boots | Bag: Marc by Marc Jacobs | Gloves: Aeropastle (old) 
| Socks: Urban Outfitters (old)

I've had this jacket for yearrrssss. And when I say years I mean it has to be at least 6 years old. It's one of those pieces that I've held on to, I don't wear it as often as I use to since I'm a fan of long jackets but I do like it break out from time to time, esp when it's snowing. It's amazing how perfect condition it is for being so old. I have often times come close to donating it but I can't seem to part with it.

Do you have any pieces that have lasted through out the years?

9 comments so far

  1. You look so darn cute!! As far as pieces that last me, well I have plenty of pieces that I carry over every season! :)


  2. really cute look! totally awesome photos! :))
    Emma xx

  3. those boots are so chic! love themmmm!

  4. LOVE everything going on here....EVERYTHING!!!

  5. Such a snow bunny! Love that jacket. I could use one with a hood like that asap!

  6. Love this winter look… I wish it snowed in LA… I want those boots!!

  7. I am so jealous you have snow! This is such a cute winter outfit & the coat is definitely a keeper! I have so many pieces that are super old, and some of them I literally NEVER wear anymore, yet I can't bear to part with them - I'm so overly sentimental sometimes! My wool trench coat though is at least 5 years old, and I wear that every single year without fail, I think I'll be wearing it till it falls apart! :)

  8. Heather, I love this winter look. You look warm yet chic.

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