December 30, 2011

Friend Friday: New Year's Resolution


So last year I had two resolutions: 1. To get into better shape 2. To build my closet. Welp I did pretty well with the staying fit part. I got my year membership at the gym and I even started taking a jump roping class. I'm up to running 2 miles without walking in between. I try to get to the gym at least 3 nights a week but since my work schedule has been more hectic I might have to try and get there in the mornings. So for building my closet I went to a few sample sales but spent of course a lot of my money and time at H&M and Zara. 

This years resolutions................
1. Eat better. Okay so I got to the gym but I need to cut out some of the crap I do eat.
2. SAVE MONEY! This is a biggie since I feel like all I do is spend spend spend. Whether it's shopping or buying lunch I need to cut it out. Also aka cut back on the buying Starbucks.
3. Continue to Build Fashionista NY Girl. I'm proud of where I have gotten and what I have been able to do. It's amazing to look back and see how far I have become. I want to continue to take this blog to new places and new heights.

10 comments so far

  1. Lovvely blog:)
    would u like to follow each other?



  2. i love new years resolutions. i share one of the same as one... building my blog. congrats on all your success and many more in the new year

  3. Love your blog!!!! Happy New Year!!!! xoxo from Rome

    Ps. follow each other?????

  4. It sounds like you have some great resolutions - they all seem very attainable, I'm sure you'll succeed!

    Happy New Years!

    XO Emily

  5. love this collection! have a very happy new year! :)

  6. great resolutions! so realistic and inspiring! I hope they all turn out well for you=) I too, hope my site will continue to grow and expand. I absolutely love yours! If your ever in need of a guest post, or want to guest post for someone else, let me know! I'd love to work with you=)
    Happy New Year!
    much love,
    lauren xoxo

  7. Eating better and saving money are also two of my goals this year. :) Good luck on your resolutions!

  8. Saving money is also on my reso list!! But so hard to do :(

    vonnie <3

  9. Happy New Year to you and all the best for 2012.
    Looking forward to more posts xx

  10. Yes I need to cut out the Starbucks :x $3 doesn't seem like much but when you do it every morning... it adds up!

    Good luck and Happy New Year!


Thank you for your comments!! I look forward to reading them!

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