July 18, 2011

Outfit Post: Pretty in Pleats






Shirt: H&M
Skirt: H&M
Belt: H&M
Shoes: Hush Puppies
Bag: Marc by Marc Jacobs
Rings: (Owl Ring) Charlotte Russe, (Vintage Inspired Ring) Claire's

I've had this pleated skirt for a couple of years now, at least as long as I've been out of school and working. This was pretty much one of my first skirts that I bought myself for work, along with this tank top. I use to work pretty much right across the street from and H&M, fence why half my closet is made of H&M. But more recently I have been breaking away from H&M and this one of the few outfits as of lately that has been head-to-toe H&M. 

PS Vote for me on Clothes Much blog for her weekly installment of Rule Breaking Monday! I posted myself in my black lace motor jacket and Forever21 floral pants! :D

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