July 25, 2011

Fashion 2.0 Blogging Your Way to the Front Row & Summer Soiree

On a hot sticky New York Wednesday night I found myself on a cool and chic rooftop bar, the Skyroom, for a Summer Soiree and a book release celebration by Yuli Ziv. Yuli Ziv is the founder and owner of Style Coalition and in charge of the meet-up group: Fashion 2.0. She now has put author on her resume as well. She just release her very first book called: Fashion 2.0: Blogging Your Way to the Front Row.

(above photo taken by Sunny Norton.... from left to right Jamall Oluokun from Papercutmag.com, Alex from start up apparel company Quincy, me!, and Nathalie who is a freelance worker who works with social media)

Unlike so many other blogging books out there this isn't about how to write a blog or even how to start a blog this is about how to turn your blog into something bigger-- making money from it and making it your career. I'm positive (since I know a few of you personally) there are other bloggers out there like me that want to make this their living and sometimes getting there is the hard part. I often sometimes get myself down, maybe not give up but it gets hard and lonely sometimes. Sometimes we see stats or down or we aren't getting the comments we want and we get discouraged. Well this book is all about reminding you that everything takes time and management. If something isn't working...change it. Keep in my that your blog is your business. I've only just started the book but I feel the wheels turning in my head about my own blog. If you want to turn your blog into your business I HIGHLY suggest you to go grab this book, a highlight, note pad, and pen. This book will keep you on your toes and thinking about your own blog!

11 comments so far

  1. Thanks so much for sharing! I definitely want to snag a copy of this book - I feel it'd be helpful for pretty much anyone who is a blogger.

    xo Danah

  2. I can't wait to read the book - Yuli has made such a great career for herself. I'm sure I can learn something :) Great meeting you that night!

  3. I definitely agree with you--monetizing your blog is as important as building your content. Will definitely look out for this book!

  4. Hey Heather, you look great in that picture! thanks for recommending this book, I love beauty blogs that writes lots of quality content :)

  5. Thank you so much for posting about Yuli's book. I dream of being able to blog as my full time job (a pipe dream but my dream none the less) and I'm sure this book will prove to be an amazing resource. Love the shirt you're wearing in the picture as well!

  6. Oh this is such a great post. I've been thinking hard about expanding my blog to try and make money off of it... this book seems like it'll help with the transition!

    Xo Chelle

  7. Wow this is great, thank you for this post. I will definitely be following you.


  8. I need to check out this book! Seems like a must read for any fashion blogger.

  9. Thanks for commenting on my blog! I follow you :)



  10. i can't believe i missed it :(


Thank you for your comments!! I look forward to reading them!

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