March 10, 2010

Liberty for Target

When I was walking over to 42nd street yesterday I noticed that Liberty for Target had a pop up store. I couldn't stop in last night (according to the article it just opened today but I could have swore that I saw the doors open) because I was going to go meet my parents for dinner so since I don't work far from it I decided to go there during lunch today. Well to my surprise there was a line down the block! Not even kidding! A LINE DOWN THE BLOCK!! There are very few things that I would stand online for but I don't think this is one of them. So I passed it up. I'll have to go back during an OFF PEAK hour but also have to go before the 13th since thats when the store is closing. Crazy. So since I know nothing about this new line I decided to do some investigating online and noticed that their new line doesn't launch until the 14th! From Target's website there collection is colorful with a lot of patterns. They have both home furnishings and clothing. I'm interested to invesgiate the store now but still not willing to stand on line for it.

To check out their Lookbook click here

1 comment so far

  1. I got to check out the pop-up store today! It's so fun but I'm already planning a 2nd trip!


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